Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3 Months

Alright so this week was my 3 month mark on my mission and Elder Pecks 3 month mark left of his mission! So I made a cake, it only took an hour to make, and it turned out great. It was a great week. We had a lot of Bombed appointments, but we did go to Kings Buffet with the Owen Sound Missionaries, Elder Norton and Elder Newkirk, following our District meeting! It was a great District Meeting. We talked about Christ like attributes, and how everyone is really trying to grow closer to our Father in Heaven by being more like Christ! I also dug a grave this week for a great British couple who are in the branch here. They are so much fun, however this week on the anniversary they found out one of their amazing golden retrievers has cancer and need to be put down.... so Elder Peck and I went over and dug the grave for it! Wow talk about hard digging a grave for a just top notch dog, while its walking around you digging it! Ugh, I don't even want to think how hard it would have been for pioneers digging graves in snow for their own children! Anyways on the up side, We found the service project we have been looking for, it is because of this project I now want to stay in Walkerton for the rest of my mission! We met this man downtown just a proper man dressed in excellent clothes, button up shirt vest and overcoat, kinda old english style! Anyways as it turned out he was a friend of a Sister in the Branch. Who when we told her we talked to him jumped with joy! Anyways after contacting him we set up a day to help on his farm! The farm was a blast Elder Newkirk was traveling me that day, so we worked for three hours on the farm. Well when we got there we found out he wasn't there, way sad but we did the work anyways. We raked leaves and picked up rotten walnuts! It way fun. Well we showed up in our suits and ties and asked if there was a place for us to change into working clothes. His wife said yeah and pointed us in the right direction. We then are heading up the stairs in the house when we run into two girls who were taken back by two guys in suits and ties. We told them who we were and what we were doing. then throughout working one of them who is from Germany kept dropping by us and asking questions. Then after our work she gave us a tour of the Farm. First showing us her chickens and her Peacock, yeah she has a peacock in with the chickens, I tried to get a picture next to it but it ran off! But you can still see it in the picture. Then she took us to the cows who were getting milked! Way cool to watch, possible job for next time, ah I want to do it! Hahaha! Oh then she showed us where the baby calfs where and where all tyhe cows sleep. Then she introduced us to all the bulls! and then we met the pigs. One was a crazy beast who loves to get her nose scratched! Then she showed us where they make cheese and yogurt and milk. It was a fun place. We then talked to her and she agreed to hear the first lesson next time we were there, she was also surprised to find out I was the same age as her and doing this! Now the owner of the Farm is a music man, on the top floor of the Barn he as a concert hall. Where it host Symphony in the Barn. In the summer he directs a full orchestra and a choir who perform in there! What crazy! He also had a pump organ in his house! Ugh what a guy, I cant wait to talk to him again! Oh and another crazy thing happened. While tracted a bunch of lake houses, we had some naked guy answer the door and tell us he was busy and not intrested, ah what! I dont see anyone doing that, WHY?
Now this week was great I had wonderful studies on Prayer and Families. Its so crazy how much the gospel just makes sense. It fits so well. I am keeping a study journal, and love it, it helps me so much and is my best friend. Anyways got to go out of time Love you all,
Elder Allen

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