Monday, May 10, 2010

A poem for my Mother

My Mother
You suffered in the beginning to bring me into the world...
Why? Because you loved me from the start.
You still kept me around even through all my young fits...
Why? because you knew I was young and you still loved me.
You listen to my learning mind when I always asked what if...
Why Because you wanted me to learn and become something you knew I could be.
You punished me when acting up, even though it hurt you to see me hurt...
Why? Because you wanted me to become a respectable man one day.
You got mad at me when inhaling my food at the dinner table...
Why? You wanted me to have manners so one day I could find a wife.
You gave me advice on dating, even though I sometimes didn't listen...
Why? You wanted me to be worthy to take a daughter of God to the temple.
My mother, my mother...I will honor you forever. . .
Why? you did so much for me, and well mom, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I've read all the blog entries, and I have to say, she must be a great Mother, because you sound like a very respectable young man.
